in Campari Group

Sustainability within our system of values

Campari Group operates according to criteria of social responsibility and sustainability in the management of its business activities, consistently with the system of values that has always guided it and that it considers of fundamental importance for company growth.

The four areas of commitment

As its business grows, Campari Group constantly comes across new opportunities to generate positive economic, social and environmental impacts. A culture of ethics permeates the entire company, ensuring that every business is managed with probity and integrity. Campari Group’s approach to sustainability identifies the following four areas through which the Group’s Commitment to creating value in each business area is structured.

Sustainability report

The Group’s internationalization process, which today sees it present with its own direct distribution network in 26 markets and 25 production sites around the world, has required an ever-increasing commitment also with regard to the management of its social and environmental impacts, in order to ensure a homogeneous approach in all contexts and aligned with its standards. For this reason, Campari Group deemed it necessary to define a structured path dedicated to sustainability, with the aim of spreading the culture of corporate responsibility internally, implementing projects to support people and protect the environment and sharing the results obtained with its stakeholders.

The Campari Group’s sustainability path was officially launched in 2011, with the ambition of making sustainability one of the strategic levers for Group growth and for defining corporate policies.